Get a Job in IT Securing Company Data From Hackers

One of the most in demand jobs at the moment within the IT industry is IT systems security. There are several areas you can get into IT security:

  • Active Directory File Permission Security Careers
  • LAN – Local Area Network Security Careers
  • WAN –Wide Area Network Security Career
  • VPN – Virtual Private Network Careers

See more information about IT Security Jobs: IT Security Career Advice.

Why Are IT Jobs in Security In High Demand?

Getting connected to the internet means accessing the world and all it has to offer. The fact that we can find pretty much any type of information that we want, whenever you want, it is truly an incredible thing, but when we expose our IP addresses while we do that we are opening a door for all kinds of invasive activities to take place. Luckily, hiding your IP address while you are online is an easy process that anyone can do.

Top Reasons for hiding your IP Address

Before you figure out how to hide your IP Address, you probably want to know why hiding it is a good idea. Here’s why I hide my IP address:

One of the most important reasons for hiding an IP address is that it can protect people online from knowing your physical location. There are almost no good reasons to display your location randomly to all who care to see it, and so taking steps to limit the number of people with access to that information is considered smart practice.

Getting past internet censorship is another vital part of computing these days, especially now that net neutrality has taken such a big hit. No one wants the government or their ISP to decide what kinds of content they can access based on their physical location. When internet users use tools designed to hide IP address data, they are able to get around location-based censorship.

Combating targeted advertising and search history logs is another concern for many users. It seems like just about everybody these days is trying to pull in as much data from internet users as possible, just to either turn around and sell it to the highest bidder or design products specifically tailored to people’s interests. While it may seem harmless at first glance, many are becoming wary of these practices, and rightly so.

There are many reasons for hiding an IP address, but protecting your anonymity and security is the basis of them all. Exposing yourself online is completely unnecessary, and very dangerous. So, how to hide IP address data? It’s very easy.

Ways to protect your IP Address

The two most common ways of hiding IP address are proxy servers and VPNs. The two services complete the same basic result, which is to hide your IP, but they go about doing that in different ways.

A Proxy server will accept internet requests from a user and then carry out the search on behalf of that user. Once the proxy server gets the response from the request, it relays the information back to the user. Basically, the target site that the user is trying to access will see the proxy server’s IP address instead of the user’s. The problem? Many proxy servers are quite lacking in the security department, often not encrypting data as it travels.

The answer to that problem is a VPN server. VPNs also act as relays for information, but they come with high levels of encryption, and most do not collect any identifiable information from their customers. To safely and reliably hide your IP address while online, a good VPN service is what you need.

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