Teach Coding

Top 10 Kid-Friendly Activities in Singapore to Teach Coding, Art, and Other Skills

Enroll your kids in several clubs and summer camps so they may learn new things, have fun, and—most importantly—stay out of your hair.

Covid-19 restrictions made the previous school break unpleasant, but now that conditions have improved, this is the ideal opportunity to get your kids out of the house and partake in some (educational) child’s play. However, if you’re still concerned about infection, choose online classes.

Here are some entertaining activities for your children.

  • Robotics games at The Brainery Code

For ages 5 to 16, these coding classes for kids singapore are available. They provide two robotics courses using the Lego Mindstorm EV3 robotic set, one for children ages 5 to 8 and the other for those ages 9 and up, as well as a Python coding curriculum for children ages 9 and up.

  • Try something new with KiwiCo.

With the use of STEAM, an educational strategy that uses Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and Mathematics to foster children’s creativity and critical thinking abilities, KiwiCo engages children in project-based learning. They have “crates” or packages that you can order and utilize at home, each one containing tasks for your children to complete. These range from crates for infants just out of the womb to those for adults and teenagers.

Coding Classes

  • Ukulele playing at Cristofori

The ukulele is an affordable, straightforward, and enjoyable beginner instrument for kids who are new to music. But don’t fall for the fallacy that your child will just pick up how to play four chords and call it a day. Children can get ready for the Rockschool Ukulele Exams by taking Cristofori’s ukulele classes.

  • Cook like a boss at ToTT.

Would you like your child to start assisting you in the kitchen? For children ages 5 to 12, ToTT offers cooking and baking classes. A specific selection of dishes is the subject of each Junior Chef session. Shortly, you can learn how to make baked rice and cookies, steak, rosti, and cheesecake, as well as gorgeous sweets, homemade pizza, and cupcakes.

  • 3D printing in higher education

Children, as well as adults and tertiary students, can take classes at Tertiary Courses. Classes are teaching 3D modeling with the Sketchup program, Android mobile app development, and Raspberry Pi since their emphasis is on technical abilities. Additionally, they provide a few art programs, such as a workshop for clay art.

Teaching your children these skills benefits them now as well as in the future. Coding may help your child develop a practical skill set as well as spark their creativity by teaching them how to create original applications.

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